Sponsor a Kiddush

Coming to services and having kiddush with your BHBE friends is a really nice way to spend Shabbat. And you know if you have the right cookie or muffin or bagel and schmear, you just sit around and schmooze a little longer. Some occasions to consider:

  • B-Mitzvahs
  • Auf Rufs and Weddings
  • Baby namings
  • Birthdays
  • Anniversaries
  • Other special occasions

Contact Marsha who can help you enhance or sponsor a kiddush for your simcha or just if you want a little something extra. 

Marsha works with caterers; she shops for bargains and likes to mix it up.

Some examples of enhancing a kiddush for approximatley 100 people (Please note that the most basic of kiddushim costs approximately $175 for 100 people.):

  • For $100-$150 you can add fruit or muffins, bobkas or cookies to our kiddush. 
  • For $200 you can add egg salad. 
  • Tuna salad is about $225. 
  • These are examples and we are very flexible. If we have a server- hot foods like a kugel are a possibility. That could be around $150/pan. 

Please provide us with 2 weeks’ notice for unsponsored kiddushim. 

Any questions please email me!

Marsha Lyons, Mitzvah Coordinator